What’s your call?
1♦ | 1♥ | 1♠ | 1NT | |
2♣ | 2♦ | 2♥ | 2♠ | 2NT |
3♣ | 3♦ | 3♥ | 3♠ | 3NT |
4♣ | 4♦ | 4♥ | 4♠ | 4NT |
5♣ | 5♦ | 5♥ | 5♠ | 5NT |
6♣ | 6♦ | 6♥ | 6♠ | 6NT |
7♣ | 7♦ | 7♥ | 7♠ | 7NT |
Pass | Dbl |
Surprise! You’re ready to open 1♣, eager to hear partner bid a major when your right-hand opponent steals your thunder and your bid. Without looking too annoyed, you …
“Pass,” says Kennedy. “For now.”
“Pass and await developments,” says Robinson. “Hopefully I can double later. I can’t handle diamond bids by partner.”
Pass, urges Boehm. “If they keep bidding my suits, I’ll keep passing, licking my lips in anticipation. If they branch out into diamonds or notrump, I’ll double.”
“Pass,” says Weinstein. “It’s tempting to bid 1♠, but it rates to bury the heart suit. I hope to show both majors later, but even if they bid and raise hearts, I can back in with 2♠.”
Cohen passes. “I’ve never been a big fan of four-card overcalls, especially here where I don’t want to emphasize one major over the other. Surely a takeout double would beget diamonds forever from partner. So I have to pass and hope to get in later.”
Stack says, “This call is easy. We will lie low this round and hope to get into the auction later. If we double now, partner will probably bid diamonds until the cows come home.”
“Can’t double with a diamond void,” Korbel agrees. “You may survive on any given deal, but in the future, your partner will be worried whether that loony across the table from him has a side-suit void for his takeout double.”
Lawrence passes, too. “The alternative is to bid Michaels. I have a fair chance of being able to bid later.”
Hampson goes on the offensive with a 2♣ Michaels call. “I’m probably going to be in the minority, but I have a good offensive hand that I won’t be able to describe on the second round if I pass. So I will try showing the correct two suits – albeit one card fewer in each than advertised.”
The Sutherlins double. “Partner is a favorite to have a four-card major.” 1NT by Meckstroth.
Editor: Jeff – Just making sure that you meant to bid 1NT (RHO opened 1♣) despite the void in diamonds?
Meck: Oh yes! Love bidding 1NT.