What’s your call?
2♦ | 2♥ | 2♠ | 2NT | |
3♣ | 3♦ | 3♥ | 3♠ | 3NT |
4♣ | 4♦ | 4♥ | 4♠ | 4NT |
5♣ | 5♦ | 5♥ | 5♠ | 5NT |
6♣ | 6♦ | 6♥ | 6♠ | 6NT |
7♣ | 7♦ | 7♥ | 7♠ | 7NT |
Pass |
Not much of a challenge for the panelists.
“2♠ shows my shape and shows extras,” says Meyers. “Hopefully partner will know what to do.”
“The hand is too strong to pass,” declares Colchamiro. Opposite:
♠x ♥K x ♦ Q x x x x x ♣Q x x x x,
we can almost make slam! And if we belong in notrump, partner must bid it.”
The adventurous Rigal sails with 2♠. “I don’t know where we are going, so I cannot commit our side to a strain, but I’ll let partner make that decision for us. Rebidding 2NT is fine also – but curiously, this might play better from my partner’s side. It’s funny how often my partners tell me that.”
Lee: “2♠. Seems easy enough to make the bid that describes my hand.”
Kennedy, too: “2♠ showing my pattern and a good hand.”
Lawrence: “Assuming we are not using anything fancy, I will offer one modest try of 2♠. This shows a pretty good hand. We can make a game if partner fits my hand.”
Hampson: “I think 2♠ completes my hand and allows notrump to be played from the correct side if partner cooperates.”
2♠ by Korbel. “The strength is right on. Partner may expect 4=4=0=5, but he should allow that I may have a singleton diamond. Notrump may play better from partner’s side, and my 2♠ will give him a reasonable chance of placing the contract intelligently. If the ♠8 were a higher spot, I would bid 2NT myself.”
Weinstein, too: “2♠ pinpoints my diamond shortness and shows extra values. I wish I had a fifth club, but at least I have compensating values.”
Stack says that while passing would virtually ensure a plus, “this hand is too good to be conservative with – good enough to bid out my shape and let partner make an intelligent decision. Certainly we should be safe at 3♣ if that is his decision.”
Falk favors passing. “This hand is on the cusp of being worth another bid, but at matchpoints, stretching for a thin game is wrong. Even at IMPs, without some spade and heart texture, another bid is probably going to lead to a minus score.”
Sanborn passes, as well. “2♣ isn’t very encouraging, and we don’t have a source of tricks for notrump. So I’ll ‘go low’ and try for the best plus score – a good matchpoint tactic.”
Pass by the Sutherlins. “If partner is unable to dredge up an invitational 3♣ bid, then we are high enough. We settle for the sure plus in matchpoints.”
Abdou hitches a ride with the rest of the passers traveling the low road. “Four-by-one hands generally don’t play well, and maybe we’ll get a balancing spade bid. Eight tricks in notrump may be possible. Partner doesn’t have to have five-card support on this auction, and I am not sure we can stop on a dime.”