2024 Retro Edition – September Week 1

What’s your call?

4♠ 4NT
5♣ 5 5 5♠ 5NT
6♣ 6 6 6♠ 6NT
7♣ 7 7 7♠ 7NT
Pass Dbl
Click to reveal awards

August Boehm, Larry Cohen, Mel Colchamiro, Allan Falk, Geoff Hampson, Betty Ann Kennedy, Daniel Korbel, Mike Lawrence, Roger Lee, Jeff Meckstroth, Jill Meyers, Barry Rigal, Steve Robinson, Kerri Sanborn, Don Stack, The Sutherlins, Steve Weinstein
Bar chat

Meckstroth doubles. “This gives us a chance to defend 4 and also get to spades if we belong there.”

Ditto Robinson. “If partner bids 5♣, I can bid 5 . If he bids 4♠ or pass, that could be OK, too.”

And Korbel: “Too much to pass.”

And Meyers: “I wish I had another spade.”

And Weinstein: “Glad my minor is diamonds, not clubs!”

And Stack: “If partner bids 4♠, let’s gut it out. If 5♣ emerges, then we are out to 5 . If partner passes and they make it, then that’s another great hand for discussion at the bar.”

Lee’s reasoning is similar. “Double seems clear – keeping everything in the picture.”

Seven panelists don’t think it’s clear at all.

Lawrence overcalls 5 . “I reject double because I won’t know what to do if partner bids 4♠, and I for sure won’t know what to do if they bid 5.”

Rigal, too. “Could backfire so spectacularly that this could be the idiocy I referred to in the previous problem.

But double just doesn’t cut it and pass … not for me.”

Boehm counters with a question of his own. “If I double and convert 5♣ to 5 , won’t partner correct to 5♠ holding 3–2 in the pointed suits – since my sequence will have implied two places to play?”

Kennedy bids 5 and sighs, “It’s difficult to find a perfect spot at such a high level.”

Smart-alecky Cohen has us all figured out: “5 . If my diamonds were better, you wouldn’t be posing this problem.

Falk exits with a pass. “5 is too rich for my blood, and a takeout double is too absurd for my taste.”

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