ACBL Bridge Beat #48: Kibitzer Ranks

The kibitzer, the highest rank, is a man of experience, maturity and wisdom. He may sit behind any of the players, but may get up from his chair at any time to examine another player’s hand.

The kibitzer is expected to point out how the hand should have been bid or played. If the player waits too long to make an obvious play, a senior kibitzer may snatch the card out of his hand and play it for him. A kibitzer seldom intervenes in the auction, but the kibitzer’s double, a dread weapon, may be provoked by outrageous overbidding.

A kibitzer attains seniority after five years of service, with the usual one day off per week. There is no time off for vacation or illness. A kibitzer with laryngitis is expected to convey his opinion of the bidding or play by sign language, but certain signs are prohibited.

The kibitzer-in-training, next in rank, is not allowed to speak to the players. Nobody is required to listen to him or to answer. It would be considered a breach of etiquette for a player to answer a kibitzer-in-training, even if he has merely asked the time.

The Ts-tser, the lowliest of all, is not allowed to speak to anybody. The ts-tser may only stand near the table and at appropriate time say, “ts. . . ts.”

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