Global Gold Standard

Californians plus one win Junior World Championship

Team SIVY B won the World Youth Open Championship in the under-26 division: Kevin Rosenberg, Ben Kristensen, Cornelius Duffie and Sarah Youngquist.

SIVY B – a team of U.S. Juniors – defeated a squad from the Netherlands 128–100 to win the gold medal in the under-26 team division at the 6th World Youth Open Bridge Championships. The World Bridge Federation event, held August 20–29, in Opatija, Croatia, attracted 190 pairs and 66 teams from 36 countries.
I recently played in the 6th World Youth Open Championships, in Opatija, Croatia, on team SIVY B, with Ben Kristensen, Sarah Youngquist and Cornelius Duffie. Our team name refers to the Bay Area–based youth bridge organization, Silicon Valley Youth. The B does not stand for bridge, but for Ben, the only member of our team who isn’t from California and thus, is not a member of SiVY.
I’m writing this article to thank the people who helped fund our trip, as well as to write about a few of the more interesting hands we encountered during the tournament. So first, thanks so much to Marty Fleisher, Max Schireson, Cadir Lee and one more person who wishes to remain
unnamed. We wouldn’t have been able to go without your help.
We started the qualifying Swiss well, and were in a virtual tie with my close friends from Australia in the sixth round of eight 8-board matches.
The first deal presented a really interesting play problem for my partner:

♠ 10 9
K J 10 7 4 2
6 4
♣ A 8 7
♠ K 7 5 2
5 3
10 5 2
♣ 10 6 4 2
♠ A J 8 6 3
Q 6
Q J 7 3
♣ Q J
♠ Q 4
A 9 8
A K 9 8
♣ K 9 5 3
WEst North
East South
Pass 1♠ 1NT
Pass 4♦;(1) Pass 4♥;
All Pass

(1) Transfer to hearts
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