The Right Option

Dlr: South ♠ A J 8 7
Vul: E-W 8 6 3
8 6 5
♣ Q 6 3
♠ K Q 10 5 2
7 5 4
A K Q 4
♣ A
West North East South
Pass 2♠ Dbl 4♠
All Pass

West lead the J against your game contract. East takes the first three tricks with top hearts and exits with the J. You win the A. Now what?


After winning the A, declarer considered his options. Obviously, if trumps were no worse than 3-1, he could ruff a diamond in dummy if necessary. He asked himself, “What can be done if trumps are 4-0?” and concluded that the safest option would be a dummy reversal.

With that in mind, declarer cashed the ♣A at trick five, then led the ♠K. When West followed, declarer overtook this in dummy with the ♠A and was rather pleased when East discarded a club.

Declarer ruffed a club with the ♠Q then led the ♠2. When West followed with the 3, the trick was won with dummy’s ♠7. The ♣Q was then ruffed with the ♠10 and West’s remaining trumps were picked up by finessing dummy’s 8 then cashing the jack while discarding the 4 from hand. Declarer claimed the three remaining tricks with his diamond tops: he made four trumps, three diamonds, a club and two club ruffs for a total of 10 tricks. The full deal:

Dlr: South ♠ A J 8 7
Vul: E-W 8 6 3
8 6 5
♣ Q 6 3
♠ 9 6 4 3 ♠ —
J 10 9 2 A K Q
3 2 J 10 9 7
♣ K J 7 ♣ 10 9 8 5 4 2
♠ K Q 10 5 2
7 5 4
A K Q 4
♣ A

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