The Real Deal

High black, low black

This deal comes from the 2013 Grand National Teams final.

Take the East cards and try your defense after the auction has gone 1NT–3NT.

♠ K 5    9 5 3    Q 7 5 4 3   ♣ K 10 2

Your partner leads a club and dummy plays low. Plan your defense.

♠ 10 8 4 2
J 10 7
A J 10
♣ A J 5
♠ K 5
9 5 3
Q 7 5 4 3
♣ K 10 2

A good question to ask is: “Which club did partner lead?” At the table, the lead was the ♣4. When dummy played low, East inserted the 10.

What if your partner had led a higher club, for example, the 9? Now, when dummy plays low, you would know the queen is with declarer (partner wouldn’t lead the 9 from Q–9–x–x). In this case, you should win the ♣K. With no future in the red suits (partner would have led hearts with a good holding there), you should continue with the ♣10 (high from a remaining doubleton when returning a suit). Declarer plays the queen and overtakes in dummy to play a low spade. What is your thinking now?

If you robotically play low, the contract can’t be set. Let’s look at the full deal:

♠ 10 8 4 2
J 10 7
A J 10
♣ A J 5
♠ A 7
Q 4 2
9 6 2
♣ 9 8 6 4 3
♠ K 5
9 5 3
Q 7 5 4 3
♣ K 10 2
♠ Q J 9 6 3
A K 8 6
K 8
♣ Q 7

On the Real Deal, South (trailing in the match) was swinging with his 1NT opening. I don’t recommend this with 5–4 in the majors. When the opponents misdefended, however, the contract made.

In actuality, West led the ♣4 (I don’t agree) and East naturally put in the ♣10 to the first trick. Declarer won the queen and worked on spades to set up nine easy tricks. East won the ♠K to win the first spade, but it was all over. Even had West won the first spade, declarer could still make the contract.

The winning defense is for West to lead a high club. East now will win the king and return the suit. When spades are played from dummy, East has to be alert and play second-hand high – not the normal procedure.

When the ♠K wins, East knocks out the last high club. West gets in with the ♠A to enjoy his long clubs: The defense gets three club tricks and the top two spades for down one. If East doesn’t hop with his ♠K, West’s ace is driven out prematurely. He now has no entry to his long clubs and declarer makes 3NT.

The key to the defense was for West to lead a high club and for East to win the ♣K and later play the ♠K on the first round. If you think you and your partner would routinely have set this contract, I will tell you that this East–West are indisputably on everyone’s short list of all-time best partnerships in bridge history, and they failed to set the contract.

At the other table, South opened a normal 1♠ and after partner’s limit raise, played in 4♠. On a club lead, declarer would likely fail (unless he had the hand records in advance). The opening lead, however, was a diamond (a heart would be equally fatal), and declarer had an easy time making game.

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